Tā Le Vaka Community Canoe Building

We coordinated a community-wide effort to build the first Tokelau vaka (canoe) ever constructed in the United States. Working in partnership with organizations and communities in Hawai‘i, New Zealand, Australia, and Tokelau, this project revived traditional engineering, carpentry, lashing knowledge, and celestial wayfinding techniques in our community.  The Tā Le Vaka project also sponsored many opportunities for the community to learn about Tokelauʻs oceangoing heritage.

A Vaka Rises Out Of The Malamala

A Tokelau Canoe rises out of the carving shavings and dust

 The hand of the TaVaka Vasefenua Reupena, a Master Carver, rises and falls, effortlessly chiseling away a layer of wood at each swing.  The echo of na toki chipping away is mixed with the sound of laughter and singing from those gathered to fellowship.  We are the descendants of the first Tokelauans that migrated to Poamoho, Wahiawa, Hawai’i many years ago.  We gather once again, this time to build the Vaka under the watchful eye of the TaVaka.

Hawai'i Public Radio

Mahalo ma fakafetai to Ku'uwehi Hiraishi and everyone one at Hawai'i Public Radio for this wonderful piece on our Tokelauan community, especially Uncle Vahe, as he helps us bring this vaka to life! Mālō lava!

Carving Space for Tokelauan Identity in Hawaiʻi

By Ku`uwehi Hiraishi • Jul 20, 2018

Under a canopy tent in the old plantation village of Poamoho in Wahiawa, a half dozen or so men use traditional Tokelauan adzes called toki to chip away at a 35-foot long log of albezia. Women and children encourage the carving in song as the canoe is beginning to take shape.

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Join Our Community!

We’ve completed the Tokelau vaka. Join our Community to get involved in the relaunch of the Vaka! Coming Soon!